Same Day* Service! Free Inspections Stink Bug Control
Spire Pest Control’s Stink Bug Control Exterminator Service
Signs of an Stink Bug Control Infestation
Large Gatherings
During certain times of the year, you need to control stink bugs because that’s when they gather in extremely large numbers in preparation for winter. They might be found on the side of your car, house, or other structure.
Sometimes the second most common sign of rodents in the house are nightly noises when mice or rats scurry from place to place, fight each other, or gnaw on something.
What You Need to Know About Rodent Control
- Stink bugs get their name from the foul odor they produce when threatened or squished.
- The small pest produces this odor in their abdomens, and it’s served them well over time. Because they taste and smell so bad, few creatures want to eat them.
- Their ability to survive becomes a problem for folks when hundreds of stink bugs are alive to seek shelter in your walls and your home’s interior over the winter while they wait the weather out until spring.
- If you see stink bugs inside, they’re most likely brown marmorated stink bugs, as this is the most common type of nuisance stink bug species in the United States.
- They will go after food if it’s left out.
Helpful Rodent Control Prevention Tips
Seal common entry points around doors, windows and foundation
Ensure light switches, ceiling fans, and outlets are flush with the wall or ceiling
Use a vacuum cleaner to suck up bugs. Don’t squish them because they leave a yellowish stain and they smell terrible. Empty vacuum soon after use to prevent odor.
To keep the live stink bugs from coming back, freeze the vacuum contents overnight and dispose of them the next day. The bugs won’t survive the low temperatures.

For temporary relief, mix grease-fighting dish soap and water in a spray bottle or hose attachment. Apply directly to bugs outside to kill on contact.
How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

Step 1: Schedule
Call (888) 316-3615 for a free bed bug treatment quote and a timely appointment with skilled technicians. No obligation to proceed.

Step 2: Treatment
A certified technician will conduct a thorough bed bug inspection of your home to provide a customized treatment plan.

Step 3: Follow Up
We provide a detailed report of the service and helpful recommendations. For maximum effectiveness, receive a follow-up treatment 14 days after treatment.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
We guarantee you won’t see bed bugs for 30 days. If you do, we will come back and treat again for free.
Call to Get a Quote or to Schedule Same Day* Service
Stink Bug Control FAQ
Especially in extreme cases, professional pest control is the best way to make sure these stinkers don’t stick around at your place for the long term.
In the meantime:
Don’t squish them or else they will stink and leave stains
Inside: Use a vacuum cleaner to clean them up
Outside: Use soapy water and a garden hose
Getting rid of stink bugs is important because their populations fluctuate throughout the year. Stink bugs spend the winter in a safe, warm spot until the spring. As the temperature warms, all the stink bugs move into the open to breed and eat their favorite plants.
Because of their unique body chemistry, stink bugs have few natural predators because they smell and taste so foul. They tend to gather together during the fall to find a place to spend the winter, like wall voids or in soffits.
Stink bugs aren’t poisonous, don’t bite, and won’t contaminate food. However, stink bug removal is important because they can stink pretty bad and leave a nasty stain if squished.
Some stink bugs are considered a nuisance pest if they invade your home. The brown marmorated stink bug is the main nuisance species and is invasive in your area and throughout the U.S.
Curious pets may lap up a few stink bugs, especially if the bugs gather in a specific area. Some pets may have a negative reaction to stink bugs and could vomit.
Most stink bugs are herbivores. They eat leaves, flowers, and fruits. Pest species like the brown marmorated stink bug and harlequin bug can be quite devastating to crop fields. Omnivorous stink bugs include the spined soldier bug and the two-spotted stink bug; they’re beneficial to gardens by eating pest insects.
These little stinkers are aptly named. They produce a foul-smelling chemical from their abdomen to keep predators from coming too close. Some species can spray the chemical several inches!
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To ensure our customer's safety, we insist on a thorough screening process for all Spire Pest Control Technicians. They also complete extensive training in the classroom and on the job with an experienced mentor before servicing alone.
See photos of our team by visiting the Meet Our Team page for your branch.

Money Back Guarantee
If a Spire Pest Control customer has an infestation of covered pests in their home or business between regularly scheduled Home Protection Plan treatments, we will come back and perform targeted treatments to get rid of the pest at no charge. If Spire Pest Control cannot resolve the problem after three such targeted treatments, we will cheerfully refund the customer’s last monthly subscription fee, as long as all other terms of the agreement have been met.
And if you see any pest activity between your regularly scheduled treatments, simply give our office a call; we'll come back at no additional charge.