To ensure our customer's safety, we insist on a thorough screening process for all Spire Pest Control Technicians. They also complete extensive training in the classroom and on the job with an experienced mentor before servicing alone.
See photos of our team by visiting the Meet Our Team page for your branch.
If a Spire Pest Control customer has an infestation of covered pests in their home or business between regularly scheduled Home Protection Plan treatments, we will come back and perform targeted treatments to get rid of the pest at no charge. If Spire Pest Control cannot resolve the problem after three such targeted treatments, we will cheerfully refund the customer’s last monthly subscription fee, as long as all other terms of the agreement have been met.
And if you see any pest activity between your regularly scheduled treatments, simply give our office a call; we'll come back at no additional charge.
*Call us today before 2 p.m. (Monday-Friday) for a same day, zero-obligation inspection and estimate or to provide pest control & extermination services near you.