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Spire Pest Control’s Yellow Jacket Control
Exterminator Service
Yellow Jackets are small aggressive wasps named after their black striped yellow coat. Because of their appearance they can be easily mistaken as common bees, but they are much faster and more dangerous. [Location} homeowners should be on the lookout for small paper Mache style nests around their homes, as it could be a yellow jacket nest. They are social creatures and live in large colonies, meaning if you’ve seen one in your yard, you may have an infestation. Like most wasp stings, children and pets are especially sensitive to stings, and it is best practice to hire an exterminator to promptly remove nests.Spire Pest Control is here to help homeowners live yellow jacket free.
If you’re having problems with Bees, Wasps or Hornets, check out these pages for more info.
Signs of an Yellow Jacket Control
You might already know you have a yellow jacket infestation, but here are a few of the most common signs yellow jacket infestation.
Yellow Jacket Sightings
The most common sign of yellow jackets is actually seeing them flying around your yard, garden, house, flowers, or other areas.
Visible Nests
Some species of yellow jackets make paper nests above ground. Some of these can be located in trees, on house siding, in window frames, hanging under soffits, or on posts.
hidden nest
Several species of yellow jackets make nests underground. Others may make nests under siding, inside soffits, or in similar hidden areas. No matter where they’re nesting, it’s critical to get rid of yellow jackets wherever they live.
What You Need to Know About Yellow Jacket Control
- A yellow jacket is a subtype of wasp.
- Because they’re wired to be social creatures, they are much more aggressive than other types of wasps, especially when they think their nest is in danger.
- Yellow jackets are about the size of a standard housefly, but don’t be misled: they aren’t mild mannered.
- To identify a yellow jacket, look for:
- Smooth bodies, a small waist, relatively small body (½ in.), yellow and black striped markings
- These insects are known to bite their target securely in order to get a tight grip while sliding their stinger into the skin.
- If you or someone you know is stung by a yellow jacket and experiences any of the following symptoms, contact a doctor immediately, as these are symptoms of a potentially life-threatening systemic reaction:
- Hives
- Rapid heartbeat
- Constricted airway
- Dizziness
- Nausea or vomiting
Helpful Yellow Jacket Control Prevention Tips
Make or purchase Yellow Jacket Decoys to hang in areas they make nests
Limit food access around your yard and cover trash cans.
Ensure all door and window screens are in good repair.
Do not seal entryways as yellow jackets may already be inside walls.
Planting strong scented herbs like thyme, basil and peppermint can deter yellow jackets.
How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

Step 1: Schedule
Call (888) 316-3615 for a free bed bug treatment quote and a timely appointment with skilled technicians. No obligation to proceed.

Step 2: Treatment
A certified technician will conduct a thorough bed bug inspection of your home to provide a customized treatment plan.

Step 3: Follow Up
We provide a detailed report of the service and helpful recommendations. For maximum effectiveness, receive a follow-up treatment 14 days after treatment.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
We guarantee you won’t see bed bugs for 30 days. If you do, we will come back and treat again for free.
Call to Get a Quote or to Schedule Same Day* Service
Yellow Jacket Control FAQ
For most people, a single sting doesn’t cause a big problem, other than painful swelling. Some people are allergic to these stings and need to get rid of yellow jacket infestations right away. These people need to be especially careful. If you are stung and are allergic, seek medical attention immediately.
Anaphylaxis, or anaphylactic shock, is a life-threatening allergic reaction, usually caused by an insect sting. Symptoms include respiratory constriction, massive or irregular swelling, hives, irregular heart pace or rhythm, and more.
Epinephrine, also known as adrenaline, is a hormone that helps restore heart speed and rhythm, open airways, and improve blood flow during anaphylaxis. It is often included as an injection for those who are allergic to insect stings. Yellow jacket removal can go along way to help with this, too.
In general, yellow jackets eat other bugs, including crop-destroying insects that cause problems for gardeners and farmers, which makes them beneficial in the wild.
Some species of yellow jackets also eat flower nectar and pollen, just like bees, which means some yellow jackets help plants by pollination. Although, no pollinating insects are quite as efficient pollinators as native bees. If they become a nuisance, though, yellow jacket removal could be important for homeowners.
While all yellow jackets eat meat of one kind or another, some types also eat flower nectar and pollen.
Yellow jackets don’t make honey, but they regurgitate pollen for their larvae to eat. If they become a nuisance, though, yellow jacket removal could be important for homeowners.
Ttechnically they are pollinators, but they aren’t nearly as good at it as native bees and honey bees.
Wasp. This is a general term that describes any flying insect that can sting multiple times, eats meat, and is either solitary or makes colonies.
Hornets, paper wasps, yellow jackets, and mud daubers are all types of wasps.
Bumblebees have round, fuzzy bodies and stubby wings. They are usually black and yellow. They are closely related to wasps, but they aren’t wasps or bees.
Bees. Of all the thousands of bee species, they all have hairy bodies, short wings, and at least some hairs, though some kinds are fuzzy. They can be black and yellow or completely black.
The most well-known types of bees are honey bees and carpenter bees.
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If a Spire Pest Control customer has an infestation of covered pests in their home or business between regularly scheduled Home Protection Plan treatments, we will come back and perform targeted treatments to get rid of the pest at no charge. If Spire Pest Control cannot resolve the problem after three such targeted treatments, we will cheerfully refund the customer’s last monthly subscription fee, as long as all other terms of the agreement have been met.
And if you see any pest activity between your regularly scheduled treatments, simply give our office a call; we'll come back at no additional charge.