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Spire Pest Control’s Spider Exterminator Service
There is a variety of spiders that will invade your home, some more dangerous than others, but all creepy to have in your space. The most common spider that you may see is the American house spider. They are about the size of a nickel, and are harmless to humans. They are web spiders, known to make tangled or messy looking webs. You may also have garden spiders, who are large and yellow, and create beautiful geometric webs between plants. They will bite but are not venomous. Now, if you have hobo spiders, brown recluse, black widow or others, you may have a problem.Spire Pest Control is here to help rid your home of spiders and other creepy crawlies.
Signs of an Spider Infestation
You might already know you have a spider infestation, but here are a couple of the most common signs spider exterminators look for in your area.
Not all spiders make webs, but most of those found inside will make cobwebs in low-traffic areas. Basements, crawl spaces, attic spaces, storage containers, cardboard boxes, window frames and window wells, outdoor light fixtures, and similar areas are excellent candidates for spider activity.
Not all spiders make webs, but most of those found inside will make cobwebs in low-traffic areas. Basements, crawl spaces, attic spaces, storage containers, cardboard boxes, window frames and window wells, outdoor light fixtures, and similar areas are excellent candidates for spider activity.
What You Need to Know About Spider
- Around 3000 species of spiders live in North America – probably not that many in your area. Most of these are nontoxic to humans, like the yellow sac spider and domestic house spider. However, there are a couple spiders you need to look out for:
- The Brown Recluse
- Most common in the southern states, this spider has a potentially lethal bite.
- Its venom is necrotic, meaning it kills living tissue.
- To identify a brown recluse, look for a sandy brown spider with a dark, violin shaped mark on its body.
- This spider will likely be hiding in a dark, secluded area — hence its name.
- The Black Widow
- A common venomous spider in the United States.
- Female black widows are much more dangerous than their relatively harmless male counterparts.
- A female black widow’s body is about one-half inch long with a trademark red hourglass on the underside of the belly. The rest of the body and the legs are a shiny black color.
- Drop-for-drop, a female black widow’s venom is thought to be 15 times stronger than rattlesnake venom, although, in most cases, not enough of the spider’s venom is released to be fatal.
- Unlike the brown recluse’s venom, a black widow’s poison affects the nervous system, not the tissue.
- Although most spiders aren’t as dangerous as the brown recluse or black widow, it’s best not to wait too long before seeking professional help if you have a spider infestation.
- Spiders can often be identified by the type of web they build:
Tangle Webs: Better known as cobwebs, tangle webs are unorganized and look thrown together. These are made by the Theridiidae family of spiders, which the black widow is a member of.
Tubular Webs: These webs create a tunnel, and are usually found between rocks and caves. These are made by the Segestriidae family of spiders which can be venomous.
Funnel Webs: Similar in appearance to tubular webs, funnel webs are essentially used as burrows for the spiders to wait for prey. You will find them between rocks, in plant cover, and other sheltered places. Funnel webs are made by Agelenidae, Dipluridae, and Hexathelidae spiders. Hobo spiders are funnel web building spiders.
Spiral Webs: The most common type of spider web, the spiral orb webs come in two types. There are adhesive and non-adhesive types, both of which are built by Araneidae spiders. Garden spiders are spiral orb web weavers.
Sheet Webs: Being made of individual strands of silk woven into a thick mat, sheet webs are the largest webs that you will see. Despite their size, they are usually home to very small spiders from the Linyphiidae family. These webs will be found in trees and bushes, almost never inside your home.
Helpful Spider Prevention Tips
Seal common entry points.
Reduce access to food by turning off exterior lights at night to prevent bugs from getting inside
Reduce moisture in and around the home.
Reduce hiding places by cleaning corners and vacuuming often.
Dust along walls and ceilings where spiders build webs.
How Do I Get Rid Of Bed Bugs?

Step 1: Schedule
Call (888) 316-3615 for a free bed bug treatment quote and a timely appointment with skilled technicians. No obligation to proceed.

Step 2: Treatment
A certified technician will conduct a thorough bed bug inspection of your home to provide a customized treatment plan.

Step 3: Follow Up
We provide a detailed report of the service and helpful recommendations. For maximum effectiveness, receive a follow-up treatment 14 days after treatment.

Satisfaction Guaranteed!
We guarantee you won’t see bed bugs for 30 days. If you do, we will come back and treat again for free.
Call to Get a Quote or to Schedule Same Day* Service
Spider Control FAQ
The main reason spiders infest homes is to find and kill insects. By knocking down their webs and getting rid of insects, you’ll get rid of spiders.
Vacuuming frequently can help scare away both insects and spiders. ButSpire Pest Control has the most efficient and effective solutions for spider extermination over the long term. Call today for a free quote.
In the United States, there are two main spiders to worry about:
Black widow spider
Brown recluse spider
Nearly all hobo spiders bite and are venomous. However, because the hobo spider looks similar to other types of spiders, there is some debate as to whether the hobo is as venomous as it’s rumored to be. Some people have reported to have been bitten by a hobo spider when it was most likely a bite from a brown recluse.
The black widow spider is a type of house spider that makes complicated, messy webs. The black widow is found throughout the United States, but not quite as often in states along the Canadian border.
Depending on the species, the females have black coloration and a recognizable red hourglass shape on their underbelly. They are often found in dark, secluded places, such as basements and attics.
In most species, the male black widow venom isn’t very potent at all and isn’t likely to cause harm to humans. Reportedly, the female black widow spider’s venom is 15 times more poisonous than rattlesnake venom.
If you are bitten by any spider, seek medical attention right away.
The brown recluse spider is found mostly in the southern states. True to its name, it likes to make webs in dark, enclosed spaces.
As opposed to the black widow spider’s venom, the brown recluse’s venom is necrotic, which means it can kill the tissue. A brown recluse spider bite is life-threatening and can result in long-lasting damage.
If you are bitten by a spider of any kind, seek medical attention.
All spiders have silk, but not all spiders spin webs. Jumping spiders use their silk like a lifeline to catch them in case they miss their mark and fall. All spiders use their silk to wrap up their eggs in a silk case for protection. Some spiders line their tunnels with silk and use it like a network of antennae, so if anything disturbs the silk, the spider can sense it.
No; there are two main types of spider venom: necrotic and neurotoxic.
Neurotoxic venom affects the nerves. A bite from a black widow can cause muscle cramps, spasms, numbness and tingling, or even total loss of feeling in a limb or area of the body. Neurotoxic venom can affect multiple areas of the body.
Necrotic venom, including the venom of brown recluse spiders, destroys living tissue. It forms purple or black discoloration that looks like a bruise. Underneath the surface, the venom will form an ulcer that can grow worse if the affected area is not treated.
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Money Back Guarantee
If a Spire Pest Control customer has an infestation of covered pests in their home or business between regularly scheduled Home Protection Plan treatments, we will come back and perform targeted treatments to get rid of the pest at no charge. If Spire Pest Control cannot resolve the problem after three such targeted treatments, we will cheerfully refund the customer’s last monthly subscription fee, as long as all other terms of the agreement have been met.
And if you see any pest activity between your regularly scheduled treatments, simply give our office a call; we'll come back at no additional charge.